All businesses are formed with one goal of earning profit and growing fast at a low cost as possible. However, businesses have a hard time achieving their goals. That is when marketing automation comes into play. Marketing automation helps companies to automate their tasks which increases efficiency and grows the revenue much faster. Automation software helps businesses to work effectively on different channels and automates repeated tasks. The best part is you can easily track marketing analytics with different marketing tools.
What are the marketing tasks that need automation?
As a non-marketer, things may look simple, you just need to post on social media, and it’s super easy. But it is NOT, There are so many things to be done to just post one simple content on social media or blog. It consumes a lot of your time. From hashtags to resizing images for social media, making audit reports for your website and social media, there is so much to do.
Today there are many automation software that helps you automate your tasks and make your life easier.
Have you signed up for any business newsletters? I am sure you have at least subscribed to one of your favorite brands. Have you noticed the pattern of emails? Everyone who has subscribed receives the same email at the same time, even during holidays. How is it possible to send the same email to thousands at the same time? Applications like Mailchimp and similar make it possible. They can come in both free and premium versions. Not only you can send emails about your offers but also let them choose to download an ebook or sign up for different lists. Once you get their details the software automatically does the work for you.

Social Media
As a content marketer, you create a beautiful blog or a social media post. However, every day is not the same. You may not receive the same amount of love you get for the earlier posts. If you want to catch the attention of your readers you need to share it multiple times. It also depends on what social page you are using. Facebook may have different readers and they are active at a certain time period Instagram has its own audience and they are active at different times. As a marketer, you may not be available the whole day, that is when software like Hootsuite and Buffer comes into place. It is very easy to schedule all your social media posts all at once. Nowadays, many social media have their own schedule of your post feature, however, when it comes to scheduling every social media at once logging into every social media profile and creating a post is time taking. Using Buffer and Hootsuite makes your life easier, you don’t need to log in to every social media page.
Google Analytics
I am a fan of Google Analytics as it gives you an overview of people’s behavior. It provides you details about where your audience is, the organic search, referrals, which device they are using, which page is popular, and so on. Not only Google Analytics but every social media page also has its Insights and Analytics page where you can get the data about your consumer’s behavior.
Webinar Funnels

You just had a successful webinar, you collected the emails and other information that people have given you consent to. As a business, you cannot let go of this opportunity as these are the people who most likely love your product and are willing to buy your product next whenever it is launched. You can send out follow-up emails for the same. It might be a lot of work to collect the emails and put them out there, but CRM software like Hubspot or any other email marketing tools will help you get things done quicker.